Interview Etiquette

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Interview Etiquette

Prepare in advance for your upcoming interviews.

Updated copy of your Resume. Research Employer. Do a self-assessment. Be polite.


Though this is a digital era but don’t assume and bring a printed version of your resume Carry multiple copies. Along with your resume bring pen and note pad for any notes. Check for typing errors and grammar.

Self-assessment – or to know yourself.

Know your resume from top to bottom. Highlight your interests – what do you want to accomplish out of this internship. Long- and short-term goals in your career. Understand and be prepared to talk about your strengths, weaknesses, education, and goals! Be prepared to discuss your values and what type of work environment you are comfortable with.

Research Employer

Use all tools available either at school or online to know about this company. Look up local business journals and newspapers. If access to current employees, reach out to learn about company’s culture and values.

Be polite.

There are ways to ask questions that are important to you without offending anyone. Always be courteous, polite, and professional to everyone.

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