Your interview went well. Interviewing Panel was engaged, and you feel pretty good about this employer. But before you sit back and relax, there's one more important step you should take: sending a thank you note. This is a critical part of this process and must be well thought -out thankyou email to everyone that you interviewed with and express your gratitude in them making time to meet you. This email should be sent within first 48 hours as everyone’s memory is still fresh from this recent interview, and it does show your continued interest after your meeting.
A week has gone-by, and you haven’t heard anything- no email replies or phone call. Are there any appropriate number of follow-up messages that can be sent? This is a common situation one will encounter when looking for Internships or full-time opportunities.
The important thing to consider is that a lack of response from the hiring manager is not a sign that you are not going to get an offer. While getting an internship is the number one priority on your list but there can be number of important business objectives that the hiring manager might be addressing.
It is very important to acknowledge and understand that just like all employers are not the same, but all have processes and procedures in place that need to be followed in order for the company to extend this offer. Sometimes these procedures might slow things down for you but ultimately, they do exist so that the company can make a thorough and smart hiring decision.
Also, to consider for each role there are multiple applicants that are scheduled for interviews and once that process is completed you will get a response.
Best advice to stay in contact with the recruiter. Have them give you a timeline for a response.
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